Title Movie : The Raven A.ka A holló (2012)
Rates Movie : 6.6/10 from 7,444 users
Link IMDb : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1486192
Starrings : John Cusack, Alice Eve and Luke Evans
Genres Movie : Mystery | Thriller
Release Date : (USA)
Quality Movie : DvDRip | BrRip 720p | BDRip
Trailer Movie :
Synopsis Movie :
In the 19th century, a serial killer begins murdering victims using
methods from Edgar Allan Poe's stories. Poe himself teams up with a
young Baltimore detective to get inside the murder's mind and try and
stop more of his fictional works becoming grisly fact. As the hunt
intensifies, Poe's own love, Emily Hamilton, becomes a target for the
Link Download Movie :
Torrent Link : The Raven A.ka A holló (2012) [ DvDRip ]
The Raven A.ka A holló (2012) [ BrRip 720p ]
The Raven A.ka A holló (2012) [ BDRip ]
Subtitle Movie :
The Raven A.ka A holló (2012) English | Indonesia | Others
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