Title Movie : Journey 2 : The Mysterious Island A.k.a Viaje 2: La isla misteriosa 3D (2012)
Rates Movie : 5.8/10 from 19,677 users
Link IMDb : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1397514
Starrings : Josh Hutcherson, Dwayne Johnson and Michael Caine
Genres Movie : Action | Adventure | Comedy | Family | Fantasy | Sci-Fi
Release Date : (Indonesia)
Quality Movie : BrRip 1080p 3D
Trailer Movie :
Synopsis Movie :
17-year-old Sean Anderson receives a coded distress signal from a
mysterious island where no island should exist. Unable to stop tracking
the signal, he sets out with a small group on a journey to the
mysterious island - a place few people have ever seen or lived to tell
about. What they find is an island of stunning beauty, strange and
threatening life forms, volcanoes, mountains of gold and more than one
astonishing secret.
Link Download Movie :
Torrent Link : Journey 2 : The Mysterious Island A.k.a Viaje 2: La isla misteriosa 3D (2012) [BrRip 1080p 3D]
Subtitle Movie :
Journey 2 : The Mysterious Island A.k.a Viaje 2: La isla misteriosa 3D (2012) English | Indonesia | Others
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